Jack Midwec

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  • em resposta a: Sony 420TVL mini camera CFTV: $13 – China fabricantes Midwec #44864
    Jack Midwec

    small infra bullet weatherproof IP66, 3.6mm IR 30m

    CMOS 850TVL, Sony 420TVL, 480TVL, 700TVL

    em resposta a: DVR KIT complete systems-China factory directly #34826
    Jack Midwec

    more details of this 4ch DVR KIT:

    4ch DVR specs:

    I. 960Hx4ch realtime recording and playback (better tha n D1 resolution ) H.264 stand alone. software is user friendly and support Portuguese

    II. support HDMI, VGA, 2TB SATA HDD, Mobile surveillance

    III. support cloud Free DDNS (factory built-in free DDNS)

    IV. support CMS ,alarm, and other generally function

    2. Camera specifications in this DVR KIT

    Infra 30M IP66 weatherproof bullet + Infra 20m indoor dome, CMOS 850TVL or Sony 420TVK is optional

    3. including all other accessory: BNC cnnector, balun BNC, cables, power supply adapter, power splitter cable etc

    em resposta a: DVR KIT complete systems-China factory directly #34835
    Jack Midwec

    if interested, please contact email: sales@midwec.com

    skype: jack.midwec
    msn: jackgui@live.com

    em resposta a: Sony 420TVL mini camera CFTV: $13 – China fabricantes Midwec #35348
    Jack Midwec

    there are more infra cftv cameras with IR range 20-40m, weather proof

    24 or 36 pcs Infra LED,

    weather proof

    sony 700TVL effio-E or CMOS 800TVL IR-CUT DSP

    contact: sales@midwec.com

    em resposta a: 4ch 960H DVR: $33 China fabricantes #36192
    Jack Midwec

    sorry to forget the DVR pictures and it’s price , check again here for this attractive DVR

    em resposta a: Sony 420TVL mini camera CFTV: $13 – China fabricantes Midwec #36280
    Jack Midwec

    Sorry for forgetting add the picture attachment

    em resposta a: best price ip cameras directly from China manufacture #44452
    Jack Midwec

    please check catalogs and price list in attachment

    em resposta a: H.264 NETWORD DVR #43337
    Jack Midwec

    Hello. Friend

    you should ask the factory which standard HDD it support or you may should change other DVR supplier.

    we are manufacturer and exporter of cftv DVRs stand alones

    our DVRs support all kind of SATA HDD, no compacity limit.

    and price is very good

    if interested, please check the catalogs in attachment

    Best Regards
    Midwec INdustry CO.,LTD

    em resposta a: DVR Stand Alone H-264 Senha Não confere #43336
    Jack Midwec

    Hello. Everyone

    we are factory of stand alone DVR from China
    every factory has a software tool that can generate temporary password according to the DATE in your country

    please ask the factory for support

    we sell best price and quality assured latest DVRs, CFTV Cameras, IP cameras, GV-Card, etc

    the price of factory is only half of what you get from your local supplier

    please contact sales@midwec.com to place orders

    Best Regards
    Midwec Industry Co., LTD

    em resposta a: camera PAL vs NTSC #43335
    Jack Midwec

    hello. friend

    I know there is an equipment that can convert PAL to NTSC,

    Midwec Industry CO.,LTD

    em resposta a: Quais Sites de venda online de produtos para CFTV e Alarmes? #41431
    Jack Midwec

    hello. friend.

    we are manufacturer and exporter of cftv DVRs and cameras, and cftv accessories such as video balun, BNC connector from CHina

    we market cftv producrs online at http://www.midwec.com

    [img align=left width=700]http://www.midwec.com/catalog_best_sell_introduction.gif[/img]

    please check the catalogs and price list in attachment

    Best Regards

    em resposta a: Conectores #41430
    Jack Midwec

    hello. ,

    we are also manufacturer and exporter of high quality cftv accessory such as video balun, BNC connector and power supply,

    video balun: $1 per pair
    BNC connector: $0.3
    12V 1A power supply : $2
    2 year warranty

    please check our catalog and price list in attachment or contact sales@midwec.com MSN: jackgui@live.com

    [img align=left width=150]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ41jsL_X1omANdbyKYLRe9hF8hazZpVnPoHM7KZV9uVBLSxKcyUQ[/img]

    [img align=left width=150][/img]

    [img align=left width=200]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/v/i/video_balun_101p.jpg[/img]

    [img align=left width=200]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/280x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/v/i/video_balun_201.jpg[/img]

    [img align=left width=200]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/280x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/v/i/video_balun_201.jpg[/img]

    [img align=left width=200]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/280x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/v/i/video_balun_201.jpg[/img]

    em resposta a: DVR qual marca recomendada #41403
    Jack Midwec

    hi, friend

    we are manufacturer and exporter of stand alone DVRs from China. our DVRs has a very user friendly interface , H.264 D1 HD recording , come with RJ485 and PTZ, VGA, SATA, Iphone &Android, Alarm, USB backup ec

    please check the catalogs attached, we have 2 year warranty, and our DVR come with Portuguese language option, the only problem is the shipping cost from China to Brazil, it is a little bit high, but if add the freight value, it still much better price than what sells in Brazil

    a 8ch stand alone DVR may works for your project


    [img align=left width=150]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/135x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/4/_/4_ch_standalone_dvr_dvr9104a.jpg[/img]

    [img align=left width=150]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/135x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/9/4/9425b.jpg[/img]

    [img align=left width=150]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/135x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/d/v/dvr9219-front.jpg[/img]

    [img align=left width=150]http://www.midwec.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/135x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/d/v/dvr9224lv_1.jpg[/img]

    Best Regards
    Jack Gui
    Midwec Industry Co.,LTD

    em resposta a: LCD para teste de foco. #41402
    Jack Midwec

    hello. friend

    we are cftv equipment supplier from China

    we have mini 3.5” inch cftv LCD monitor that with chargeable battery

    it has 2 BNC connector, you can plug the outpout of the camera to it monitor, then the monitor will show video, it can be put in your pocket , very convenient in the atually system installation project, it works perfect for focus adust, camera quality test etc

    price is $100 with free shipping from China to Brazil

    bulk order price can you $50 not including shipping value

    [img align=left width=300]http://www.guiadocftv.com.br/uploads/newbb/44532_502b7f7ac1eca.jpg[/img]

    by the way, we also supply best price Stand ALone DVRs and cftv mini, dome, weatherproof , Ip cameras with latest technology of 700tvl sony effio-e HD and IR-Array

    Best Regards
    Jack Gui
    Midwec Industry Co.,LTD

    em resposta a: MONITOR DE CAMPO #41401
    Jack Midwec


    we are cftv equipment supplier from China

    we have mini 3.5” inch cftv LCD monitor that with chargeable battery

    it has 2 BNC connector, you can plug the outpout of the camera to it monitor, then the display will show video, it can be put in your pocket , very convenient in the atually system installation project

    price is $100 with free shipping from China to Brazil

    by the way, we also supply best price Stand ALone DVRs and cftv mini, dome, weatherproof , Ip cameras with latest technology of 700tvl sony effio-e HD and IR-Array

    Best Regards
    Jack Gui
    Midwec Industry Co.,LTD

    em resposta a: Acesso remoto DVR Surveillance System #41378
    Jack Midwec

    we are manufacturer and exporter of DVR stand alone from China. our DVRs do not have such kind of problem,

    the best way to solve this problem is to contact the manufacturer technical stuff for help…

    good luck !


    em resposta a: DVR Multiview MV-08SX1 configurar acesso pelo celular #41377
    Jack Midwec

    hello. friend.

    firstly, please check if your set the mobile surveillance port correctly

    secondly, there is an option in the DVR software interface about enable/disable mobile view access, make sure the option is set as enable

    thirdly, try another android phone see if it works, because as far as I know, some cheap android mobile phone do not support online video view in flash format, please check if your cellphone can view online youtube videos

    by the way, we are manufacturer and exporter of Stand Alone DVRs and cameras from China, we are looking for distributors in Brazil market, I attached our catalogs and price list for your reference

    Jack Gui
    Midwec Industry CO.,LTD

    Jack Midwec

    hello. friend

    firstly, please check if your client computer connected with Internet,

    secondly, please check the security level of your IE browser, if the security level is too high and blocked the ActiveX, it will show no image at all

    by the way, we are manufacturer and exporter of DVR stand alone , cftv mini camera and ip cameras from China, we are looking for distributors and importers in Brazil,

    kindly check our DVR and camera catalogs and price list in attachment

    Jack Gui
    Midwec INdustry Co.,LTD

    em resposta a: Alguem conhece esse DVR? – SOCORRO #41375
    Jack Midwec

    hello. friend

    we are manufacturer and exporter of DVR stand alone, cftv mini camera, IR outdoor camera and ip cameras from China

    as far as I know, you should use different mobile view APP that come with the CD for the DVR instead of ” IP cam viewer”

    some of the manufacturer here in China , their DVR do not support NO-IP.com , instead, they support DDNS.com, 3322.org etc DDNS service provider

    our DVRs are best price and has built-in free DDNS technology, you just plug the DVR to the router, do not need config the DDNS, the DDNS is already config well before out of factory

    our 4 channel H.264 Stand Alone DVR $36
    8 channel DVR: $42
    16 channel DVR: $68
    1/3 sony CCD 420 tvl mini camera $16
    1/3 sony ccd 700tvl Effio-E mini camera $29
    1/3 CMOS 600tvl with IR-cut $15
    1/4 CMOS 420tvl mini camera $10

    2 year warranty on all the models

    please check our DVR, cftv camera and ip camera catalog and price list in attachment

    welcome contact us at sales@midwec.com to place sample testing orders 🙂

    em resposta a: Camera IR 1/3 3.6mm #41367
    Jack Midwec

    hello friend.

    3.6mm or 6mm or 8, 12 mm is just the a specification of the lens that used in different surveillance situation

    it has noting to do with the IMAGE QUALITY or DEFINITION

    we have latest High quality 700TVL SONY EFFIO-E mini camera that only $30
    and for 1/3 sony ccd 420tvl, it’s $16

    for IR extend, we have latest technology of IR-ARRAY that has much better performance than tradditional small LED lights, it can be 100M IR range

    please check the catalogs and price list in attachment

    we have 2 year warranty !

    kindly contact sales@midwec.com to place orders !


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